
Available Classes
Command line Applications (in alphabetical order):
GUI Applications (in alphabetical order):

 Compares two ARFF files and outputs the difference in attributes and in common
 attributes the different instances.
 A prerequisite is that both files have the number of instances.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -file0 <name>
   the first ARFF file
  -file0_type <type>
   the type of the file, currently 'milk' and 'relaggs' are supported
  -attribute0 name[,name[,...]] (optional)
   comma separated list of attribute names to use instead of all
  -file1 <name>
   the second ARFF file
  -file1_type <type>
   see '-file1_type'
  -attribute1 name[,name[,...]] (optional)
   comma separated list of attribute names to use instead of all
  -denote_equal (optional)
   indicates with '[equal]' that both values are the same
  -denote_missing (optional)
   indicates with '[missing]' that both values are missing
  -output <name> (optional)
   if an output file is specified the result is printed to this file in CSV
   format instead of printing it to standard out.

 Creates a Multi-Instance ARFF-File from a table, which can be used with MILK.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -verbose Writer
   switches on the verbose for writing the instances from the database to the ARFF-file

  -table <name>
   the table Relaggs stores the propositionalized data
  -bag <name> (optional)
   the field to use as bag identifier, default is the index in the flattened
  -field <name>
   the field to use as class
  -exclude_fields <name[,name...]> (optional)
   fields you want to exclude from exporting to the classifier (e.g. if they
   contain some implicit information); separate the filed with comma
  -order [yes|no] (optional)
   whether to order fields (default is 'yes')
  -output <name>
   the name of the ARFF-File (used for output)
  -type <classified|unclassified> [optional]
   whether to output only classified instances or only unclassified ones
  -percentage <double> [optional]
   a value between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage of instances to be
   exported (uniformly distributed, i.e. every class is exported with the same
   percentage. 0 or 100 means that all instances are exported.
  -filter <name> (optional)
   the complete name of a WEKA filter
  -filter_additional <args> (optional)
   additional parameters for the filter. if a parameter starts with a '-' it
   has to be written as a '=' instead, otherwise it is interpreted as
   another parameter.
  -missing_binary_to_zero (optional)
   if nominal attributes were postprocessed with the NominalToBinary-Filter
   then the missing values can be set to '0' with this option.

 Trains a classifier and classifies with it given instances.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -input <name>
   the name of an ARFF-File to build the classifier
  -unknown <name>
   the name of an ARFF-File with instances of unknown classes
  -output <name>
   the name of the ARFF-File to store the prediction in
  -classifier <complete classname>
   the WEKA-/MILK-Classifier's classname
  -additional <add. parameters> (optional)
   additional parameters for the classifier. if a parameter starts with a '-'
   it has to be written as a '=' instead, otherwise it is interpreted as a
   another parameter.

 Creates a Database on the Database server.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -sql_createdatabase <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that creates a database, e.g. "CREATE DATABASE %NAME%"
  -NOTE about '-database'
   the database(s) to create on the host (comma separated list)

 Runs either the WEKA- or the MILK-Experimenter with Crossvalidation.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -input <name>
   the name of an ARFF-File
  -output <name>
   the name of the ARFF-File to store the statistics in
  -classifier <complete classname>
   the WEKA-/MILK-Classifier's classname
  -additional <add. parameters> (optional)
   additional parameters for the classifier. if a parameter starts with a '-'
   it has to be written as a '=' instead, otherwise it is interpreted as
   another parameter.
  -type [cv|loo] [optional]
   the type of evaluation to perform: 'cv' (Crossvalidation) or 'loo' (Leave-
 One-Out) are possible, default is 'cv'
  -runs <number> [optional]
   how often the experiment shall be performed, default is 10
  -folds <number> [optional]
   the number of folds in case of CV, default is 10

 Exports a table to an ARFF file that can be used with WEKA.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -verbose Writer
   switches on the verbose for writing the instances from the database to the ARFF-file

  -table <name>
   the table Relaggs stores the propositionalized data
  -field <name>
   the field to use as class
  -exclude_fields <name[,name...]> (optional)
   fields you want to exclude from exporting to the classifier (e.g. if they
   contain some implicit information); separate the filed with comma
  -order [yes|no] (optional)
   whether to order fields (default is 'yes')
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"
  -output <name>
   the name of the ARFF-File (used for output)
  -type <classified|unclassified> [optional]
   whether to output only classified instances or only unclassified ones
  -percentage <double> [optional]
   a value between 0 and 100 that represents the percentage of instances to be
   exported (uniformly distributed, i.e. every class is exported with the same
   percentage. 0 or 100 means that all instances are exported.
  -filter <name> (optional)
   the complete name of a WEKA filter
  -filter_additional <args> (optional)
   additional parameters for the filter. if a parameter starts with a '-' it
   has to be written as a '=' instead, otherwise it is interpreted as
   another parameter.
  -missing_binary_to_zero (optional)
   if nominal attributes were postprocessed with the NominalToBinary-Filter
   then the missing values can be set to '0' with this option.

 Displays the foreign keys of a given table - unfortunately doesn't the current
 MySQL driver supported this.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -table <name>
   the table to retrieve the foreign keys for

 Used for importing Prolog Databases (or derivates of it) and CSV files
 into a relational database.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

   switches on the verbose for parsing the file(s)
   switches on the verbose for parsing and the INSERT statements (lots of information!)

  -rel_database <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog database to import (no explicit IDs, but relational model)
  -background <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog background knowledge (explicit IDs)
  -add_pos_class (optional)
   adds a positive class label to background knowledge predicates (they are
   considered being positive examples)
  -add_neg_class (optional)
   automatically adds negative examples for missing keys, i.e. if the
   background knowledge covers only some ids then the others are added with
   the negative class label
  -positive <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog file with positive examples (explicit IDs, no class label)
  -negative <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog file with negative examples (explicit IDs, no class label)
  -pos_neg <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog file with positive and negative examples (explicit IDs, negative examples with leading ':- ')
  -unclassified <name, [name, ...]>
   the prolog file with unclassified examples

  -id_index [first|second|third|last|number]... (optional)
   here you can specify whether a certain argument contains the ID (if you)
   you can specify more than one index (separated by comma), e.g. 'first,last'
   if you want to specify it only for a specific predicate, then put it in
   front of the index, separated by a colon, e.g. 'great:last'
   if you want to override a general index for a specific predicate you can do
   with by a preceding '!', e.g. '!bond:first'
   If there is more than one index in one predicate, each instance is split
   into two (the relation between them is via a 'split_id'). If it is not a
   symmetric relationship, you can define this with the following parameter:
  -asymmetric predicate[,predicate[,...]] (optional)
   defines which predicates that have more than one index hava an asymmetric
   relationship between the indices.
  -shuffle (optional)
   randomizes the order of the predicates (to prevent implicit information from
  -reduce_lists (optional)
   whether to reduce lists to regular arguments if they all have the same size
   default: no
   generated keys)
  -list_positions (optional)
   with this flag the positions of the lists added to the table
  -foreign_keys [<predicate1>=<predicate2>[, ...]] (optional)
   the syntax for 'predicate1' and 'predicate2' is like in '-id_index',
   where the predicate1 is the predicate which has a reference to predicate2.
   E.g. a(1,pos). and b(1,blabla). where the first argument in 'a' is a 
   reference to 'b', could be written like this: 
  -parser (optional)
   can be generic (default), or csv
   the csv-parser has the following optional arguments:
     if the file contains no identifiers
    -separator <separator>
     the separator for the fields, default is ','
     Note: 'tab' is interpreted as '\t'
    -qualifier <qualifier>
     the qualifier for strings, default is '"'

 the following combinations of arguments for input files are allowed:
 1. rel_database [, unclassified]
 2. pos_neg [, unclassified]
 3. background, positive, negative [, unclassified]
 4. background, pos_neg [, unclassified]

 Extracts the Java calls from ANT files and creates jobs for the distributed

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -input <filename(s)>
   a comma separated list of files to get the java calls from
  -output <filename>
   the name of file to store the jobs in
  -append (optional)
   whether to append the jobs to the given file
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
  -exchange (optional)
   whether to add commands to retrieve and send files
  -target <name[,name...]> (optional)
   create the job files only for this target (comma separated list)
  -no_date (optional)
   this flag suppresses the output of the date comment in the job file


 A little helper for adding Jobs to an already running JobServer.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -server <hostname/IP>
   the server to retrieve jobs from
  -server_port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31415
  -jobs <filename>
   the file containing the jobs to send to the JobServer


 A Client waiting for Jobs sent from the JobServer it gregistered itself to.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31416
  -error_log <filename> (optional)
   the file to write errors to, default is errors.log
  -access_log <filename> (optional)
   the file to write accesses to, default is access.log
  -leave_logs (optional)
   doesn't delete the logs when the server starts, default: false
  -accept_timeout <int> (optional)
   the timeout in msec to wait for a connection, default: 30000
  -server <hostname/IP>
   the server to retrieve jobs from
  -server_port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31415
  -output <directory> (optional)
   the directory where to store the logfiles, default is '.'


 A Multi-Threaded Server for distributing Jobs to JobClients.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31415
  -error_log <filename> (optional)
   the file to write errors to, default is errors.log
  -access_log <filename> (optional)
   the file to write accesses to, default is access.log
  -leave_logs (optional)
   doesn't delete the logs when the server starts, default: false
  -accept_timeout <int> (optional)
   the timeout in msec to wait for a connection, default: 30000
  -jobs <filename>
   the file where the jobs are stored
  -results <filename>
   where to store the results from the clients
   this option appends the results to the file, otherwise it is emptied first
  -output <directory>
   where to store files received from clients

 Flattens a complete relational database into a single table.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -table <name>
   the table to use as central table for flattening
  -field <name>
   the class field in the central table
  -result_table <name>
   the table Relaggs stores the propositionalized data
  -exclude_tables <name[,name...]> (optional)
   tables you want to exclude from the flattening process
  -join <type> (optional)
   the type of join to perform, available are 'leftouter', 'rightouter',
   'bestouter' (determines the outer join with the least information loss) or
   default is: leftouter
  -max_depth <int> (optional)
   defines the maximal depth the search for relations does, -1 means unlimited
   default is: 1
  -instead_null col=value[,col=value[,...]] (optional)
   defines the values for columns (type is determined automatically) which is
   used instead of NULL values after a Join.
  -tree <tree-string> (optional)
   instead of discovering the structure of the DB itself a tree structure can
   be defined by the user. It starts with the root node, the children are
   separated by ',' and a substree is surrounded by '[' and ']', e.g.:

 Performs propositionalization based on RELAGGS, developed by Mark-A. Krogel

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -table <name>
   the table that contains the target
  -result_table <name>
   the table RELAGGS stores the propositionalized data
  -field <name>
   the field to use as class
  -field_in_groupby <name> (optional)
   uses this field additionally in the GROUP BY statements of RELAGGS.
   if the name is omitted it uses '<table>id' as default name
   (might be necessary if classes get lost during the aggregation process)
  -exclude_tables <name[,name...]> (optional)
   tables you want to exclude from the aggregation through Relaggs
  -join <type> (optional)
   can be 'natural' or 'leftouter' ('leftouter' implies 'any_index')
  -any_index (optional)
   whether to use any index or the primary key for aggregation
  -index <name> (optional)
   specifies the index to use instead of the primary key (implies 'any_index')
  -max_depth <int> (optional)
   defines the maximal depth the search for relations does, -1 means unlimited
   default is: 1
  -instead_null col=value[,col=value[,...]] (optional)
   defines the values for columns (type is determined automatically) which is
   used instead of NULL values after a Join.
  -tree <tree-string> (optional)
   instead of discovering the structure of the DB itself a tree structure can
   be defined by the user. It starts with the root node, the children are
   separated by ',' and a substree is surrounded by '[' and ']', e.g.:

 Displays the relations in a database, starting from one table.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -table <name>
   the table to discover the relations for
  -exclude_tables <name[,name...]> (optional)
   tables you want to exclude from the discovering
  -max_depth <int> (optional)
   defines the maximal depth the search for relations does, -1 means unlimited
   default is: 1


 A frontend for Propositionalization with REMILK - a combination of RELAGGS
 and MILK.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -filename <name>
   the name of the ANT file to extract the experiments from

 Transforms the ArffViewer and all necessary components into a standalone
 version with a new package structure. Makes it easy to integrate the Viewer
 in other applications.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -class <name>
   the class from which we shall create a standalone version
  -input_dir <name>
   the directory just above 'proper/gui/...', normally './src'
  -output_dir <name>
   the directory where to copy the transformed files to
  -package <name>
   the new package for all the components, if no package name is provided the
   package declaration is removed from the files.

 Tests a previously generated classifier, which can be a WEKA- or MILK

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
   to print this

  -classifier <complete classname>
   the WEKA-/MILK-Classifier's classname
  -additional <add. parameters> (optional)
   additional parameters for the classifier. if a parameter starts with a '-'
   it has to be written as a '=' instead, otherwise it is interpreted as a
   another parameter.
  -train <filename>
   the filename of the ARFF-file to train the classifier with
  -test <filename>
   the filename of the ARFF-file to test the trained classifier against


 A little viewer for ARFF files.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this


 The Builder enables one to create Proper-specific ANT files for experiments.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this


 A little tool for handling logfiles.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this


 A Tool for monitoring a JobServer.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31417
  -server <hostname/IP> (optional)
   the server to retrieve jobs from, default is localhost
  -server_port <int> (optional)
   the port to bind to, default is 31415
  -refresh <int> (optional)
  -shell <command> (optional)
   a command that can be executed on the client-tab via the 'Shell'-Button


 Creates Jobs for the distributed computing using for this

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -file name[,name[,...]]
   the files that shall be processed
   commands like 'synchronize' are prefixed with '#'
   if none is provided then all are used
  -jobfile <filename> (optional)
   the file where to store the resulting jobs, default is jobs
  -exchange (optional)
   whether to include 'get_file' commands or not, default is false
  -append (optional)
   whether to append the jobs to the file or not, default is false


 A little tool for handling logfiles.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this


 The main class containing the menu for starting all other tools.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -height <int> (optional)
   defines the height of the main window in pixel
  -shell <command> (optional)
   a command that can be executed from the Program-Menu


 Prints the relations between tables for a given database and central table.
 These relations can be edited and used for the Propositionaliztion process
 if the automatic discovery is not desired (e.g. to avoid exponential
 explosion of data).

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -driver <name> (optional)
   the driver necessary to access the database
   default is MySQL (
  -url <jdbc:subprotocol://host:port/> (optional)
   the url pointing to the host the database resides on
   default is 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/'
  -database <name>
   the database to use on the host
  -user <name> (optional)
   the user to connect with to the database, default is nobody
  -password <pw> (optional)
   the password for the given user
  -sql_limit <sql> [optional]
   SQL statement that limits the result to 1 row, e.g. "LIMIT 1"

  -table <name>
   the table to discover the relations for
  -exclude_tables <name[,name...]> (optional)
   tables you want to exclude from the discovering
  -max_depth <int> (optional)
   defines the maximal depth the search for relations does, -1 means unlimited
   default is: 1


 Executes any ANT file that was built for Proper, i.e. the predefined ones
 or experiments that were built with the Builder.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -filename <name[,name[,...]]>
   the name of the ANT file(s) to extract the experiments from


 A frontend for setting up the environment for the experiments.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

  -filename <name>
   the name of the ANT file to extract the experiments from


 A little viewer for SQL queries.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this


 A little tool for testing XSL scripts. Can also be used for creating Java-
 Code from the generated output.

  -verbose class[,class[,..]]
   sets the verbose flag of the specified class(es), 'all' matches them all
  -log <filename>
   redirects the output into the specified file
  -append_log [yes|no] (optional)
   with this the file is not deleted at the beginning
  -font <name-face-size> (optional)
   the font to use in lists etc., default is Monospaced-regular-12
   to print this

Last updated: Sun May 16 14:43:37 NZST 2004