1 Program
1.1 WEKA 1.2 Shell 1.3 Exit 2 Experiment 2.1 Setup 2.2 MILK 2.3 RELAGGS 2.4 REMILK 2.5 Builder 2.6 Run 3 Remote 3.1 JobMonitor 3.2 Jobber 4 Util 4.1 ArffViewer 4.2 Editor 4.3 Logger 4.4 Relations 4.5 SqlViewer 4.6 XSLer 5 Windows 5.1 Minimize 5.2 Restore 6 Help 6.1 Help 6.2 About |
1 Program![]() 1.1 WEKAStarts WEKA - but be careful: closing WEKA also results in closing Proper!1.2 ShellOpens a shell1.3 ExitExits Proper2 ExperimentEither predefined experiments or self-defined ones can be executed here![]() 2.1 Setupcreates the databases and imports the data for the predefined experiments![]() 2.2 MILKperforms a flattening of the whole database of each experiment into a single table, exporting the content to an ARFF file and evaluating that. For some experiments classifying of unknown instances may take place and also some testing.![]() 2.3 RELAGGSinstead of flattening a database RELAGGS uses aggregation for propositionalization and performs the same steps after exporting like MILK.![]() 2.4 REMILKREMILK is the combination of MILK and RELAGGS, i.e. it uses the multi-instance data from MILK and adds the aggregation from RELAGGS to it.![]() 2.5 BuilderThe Builder enables the user to build his own experiments from scratch. I.e. setting up databases, importing data and performing propositionalization etc. and saving them to an ANT file.![]() 2.6 RunHere you can run any ANT file that was built for Proper.![]() 3 RemoteTools for distributed computing are found here![]() 3.1 JobMonitorThe JobMonitor enables one to check on any JobServer that is currently running (started with ./scripts/server.sh). It provides insight into what clients are registered with this server, how many jobs are done or have failed.![]() 3.2 JobberWith this tool you can create a job file that a JobServer (started with ./scripts/server.sh) uses as input. The basis are previously generated ANT files, either the predefined ones or user-defined.![]() 4 UtilSeveral useful utilities for working with Proper![]() 4.1 ArffViewerA little Viewer for ARFF files that is also able to edit them.![]() By clicking with the right mouse button on the header of a column you get additional functions: ![]() 4.2 EditorA simple Text editor.![]() 4.3 LoggerFor viewing log files and searching in them.![]() 4.4 RelationsA little tool for exploring the relations of a database.![]() 4.5 SqlViewerFor querying an SQL-Server (select, insert, update, desc are supported).![]() 4.6 XSLerA tool for testing XML/XSL.![]() 5 WindowsFor handling the windows in Proper. As soon as a window is opened it appears below in this menu.![]() 5.1 MinimizeMinimizes the application and all of its windows.5.2 RestoreRestores the application and all of its windows.6 HelpIf you need Help concerning Proper, this is the place to look for![]() 6.1 HelpThis is the central place to look for information of how to use Proper, how the classes are used etc.![]() 6.2 AboutThe famous about box... ;-)![]() |